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The Kia hamsters are back!

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Marc Bouchard
The Korean automaker won numerous awards last year for its Kia Soul ad in which a group of hamsters drove around to the sound of hip hop.

Well, the furry little creatures are back! This time, they’re accompanied by the song "The choice is yours" by Black Sheep, a well-known hip hop band from the 1990s. The new ad, which debuts today, will hit Facebook, YouTube and several American TV networks.

The cool-looking hamsters drive in a green Kia Soul and compare the car to various elements of urban nature, including toasters and washing machines. The idea: you can customize anything with the Soul. The theme song adds weight to the premise, especially the line "You can get with this, or you can get with that."

The promo will not only help position the Kia Soul as a highly-customizable compact SUV but also turn the hamsters into rock stars with their own clothing line (

Marc Bouchard
Marc Bouchard
Automotive expert