2007 BMW Alpina B7 Road Test

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When you are handed the keys to a test vehicle priced at $152,000, several things start running through your mind... A: There are a lot of people living in this country whose home is worth less than that! B: Does anyone really need to lay out that kind of money to transport themselves from A to B? C: (the obvious) Do you think that they will notice if I don't return it?
A gracious monster machine - if such a thing is possible...
Seriously though, that is a large chunk of change, by anyone's bank account, and yet, if I were totally honest, if I could afford it, I would be standing in the dealership today, cheque book in hand.Now that is quite an admission for a journalist to make, especially considering the several other similarly-priced luxury sedans on offer in today's marketplace. However, in my opinion, there are few, if any, which can truly live up to this Bavarian beauty. So what makes this particular car so special? Why would I, or anyone else for that matter, contemplate such a large financial outlay for what, at first glance, appears to be a nicely-dressed 750i ?Well, looks can be deceiving! The Alpina Company, who has enjoyed a long-standing relationship with BMW, is well renowned for its subtle, understated "drivers' machines".I can appreciate that philosophy, as I'm not really into the useless bling which we see on lots of cars today. No, I prefer what I might term "the sleeper". A vehicle which, without drawing too much attention to itself, could, if I so desired, wipe the smile off the face of pretty much any driver on the road!Now before you all start writing in, complaining that I am promoting speeding or street racing, let me explain exactly what I mean by that. Very few, and as the Alpina B7 is being sold in limited numbers, I do mean very few, will ever be able to fully experience the true performance of this vehicle. However, that is not really what this car is all about. Ownership of an Alpina B7 can be summed up in one simple sentence. "If I wanted to, I could".
A car for select people only.