2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0L CRD Road Test Just the Dirt on the 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0 Diesel

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Just the Dirt on the 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0 Diesel Jeep isn't the first brand that pops into anyone's head when they think of environmental friendliness. Their products are most often seen venturing into the depths of Mother Nature to emerge proudly wearing bits of her on their bodies like some race of savage mud-warriors. But the brand has just released a machine devised to eliminate the trade-off between towing capacity and power versus fuel mileage and emissions. It's called the Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0 diesel, and its going to change a few perceptions.
Only a badge differs the CRD Grand Cherokee from the gasoline-powered versions.
Mercedes Power
The new engine is a 3.0-litre DOHC turbocharged V6. The turbo utilizes Variable Turbine Geometry (VTG), a system which is largely responsible for the engine's rich and meaty power curve. Output is rated at 215 horsepower and 376 lb-ft of torque, which affords the new diesel engine the same towing capacity as the HEMI V8.Compare this engine to the typical perception of a diesel powerplant, and it's whisper-quiet, nearly silk-smooth and very clean. It still makes diesel sound effects in low-speed and low-load situations, just not very much of them. Plant your right foot, wait a few milliseconds for the boost to arrive, and the 3.0 CRD engine delivers immense thrust. It's surprisingly powerful, and quicker light-to-light than a similar HEMI-powered model. For a tank, it goes like stink. Clean and Complicated But it doesn't smell like stink, or much of anything at all, for that matter. The exhaust system uses a particulate filter to trap and vaporize soot and smoke, so you'll never see a puff escape the tailpipe. This is especially nice if you're reversing down a narrow bush trail with your head out the window, and happen to get a facefull of exhaust. You wouldn't even come close to losing your lunch.For capability and power, this is the most atmospherically-responsible jeep yet.
The 2005 facelift still looks very current in 2007.