2011 Mitsubishi i-MiEV First Impressions

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Montreal — Canadians will soon be driving electric cars. That’s a fact. Some major automakers are about to launch them on the market, starting with Mitsubishi’s i-MiEV and Nissan’s Leaf. They will grace showrooms alongside conventionally-powered models by 2011 or 2012.

During the International Meeting on Lithium Batteries (IMLB), which took place this week in Montreal, Auto123 had the opportunity to test-drive the small electric hatchback from Mitsubishi.

The Mitsubishi i-MiEV will reportedly hit the Canadian market in 2011 or 2012. (Photo: Matthieu Lambert/Auto123.com)

A four-door smart?
The "Mitsubishi Innovative Electric Vehicle" is unusually shaped and uniquely powered. It’s a variant of the Japanese i (pronounced "ai"), which means "love" in Japanese. Indeed, how can you not love this cute little car?

Introduced at the 38th Tokyo Motor Show, the i belongs to the "kei car" segment, a term used to describe tiny city cars in the land of the rising sun. The i-MiEV shares the same diminutive platform. Picture it as a four-door smart!

Between the fortwo and the Leaf
Actually, exterior dimensions position the Mitsubishi halfway between the smart fortwo and the Nissan Leaf. The interior, meanwhile, feels like the former; in other words, this is not a Ford F150 cabin! Expect to become close friends with your fellow Canadian sitting next to you.

Of course, the great thing about the i-MiEV, at least compared with the smart, is the addition of a rear seat that can comfortably accommodate two children or undersized adults. There’s also a liftgate which uncovers a flexible cargo area with 860 litres of room when the rear seatbacks are folded down. It’s safe to say you can fit more than just grocery bags in there. Even a bicycle? Yep! But don’t tell that to fortwo owners…

The interior can accommodate four people… provided that they’re not giants, of course. (Photo: Mitsubishi)