5 unusual products to clean your car

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When your crusty car beckons, you have to make sure you wash it the right way with the right products, so as not to damage the paint job or get your chariot even dirtier than before. Dedicated car shampoos, sponges, shammys, waxes, polishes, these are all essential items on any serious car washer’s list, but there are also some home remedies that can help you make your car shine like the sun without shelling out a fortune.

Lemon Pledge

Use Lemon Pledge, a wood furniture polish, to make your faded painted steel wheels look like new. Apply a full bottle, and they should be good for about 12 washes.

Bon Ami non-abrasive cleanser

Perfect for deep cleansing the dirtiest windshields. Gently apply with a sponge, rinse and repeat as needed, and you’ll see better than ever through that glass.

Once the windshield is sparkling, you can add a good rain repellent (Rain-X, for instance) to keep it clean longer and repel road crud.

Simple Green all-purpose cleanser

Are the various products on the market too expensive or toxic to your liking? Simple Green may be the environmentally friendly answer to your wheel-cleaning needs.

When they’re cold (i.e., haven’t been in the sun for a while), spray them with water to get the worst of the muck off, then liberally apply Simle Green. Let it sink in for a minute or two, then shine with a soft brush and marvel at the results. Rinse and repeat on the other wheels.


Black plastic parts, logos, tail lamp lenses and other components often lose their gleam over time, and even the best cleaning efforts don’t always get the desired results. To breathe new life into them, gently shine with a soft toothbrush. It works wonders, and you won’t have to break open the kids’ piggy bank to buy expensive commercial products.

Oh, and don’t use your own toothbrush unless you enjoy the taste of dirty metal.

Heat gun

Usually used to remove paint, heat guns can also restore the plastic elements of your car and remove faded or tacky decals.

For the plastic, just set the gun to low and wave it over the area in a consistent motion without staying over the same spot too long, and your car will look like new.
