ALMS: A day at the races!

By ,

When I got the phone call from the Motorsport Desk Editor asking if I'd like to spend a day at the races, I was delighted. I never pick a winner. In fact, I usually back the donkey with 3 legs, but it's a fun day out!"No, no, not that kind of race! We're talking about the Grand Prix of Mosport . It'll be your chance to get up close to the fabulous Audi diesel powered LMP1 cars".
Wait a minute! I know zip about track racing. Yes, I've done an odd school here and back in the UK, but that was for jollies, I'm really not a race fan. I'm an old rally guy. You know, drifting sideways, dirt and gravel flying! That's my bag, not sitting on a grassy bank watching little blurs go by making all kinds of ear shattering noise! "Go on Crash, you'll enjoy it, and besides, what we're looking for is a story from the ordinary man in the street, a layman's account of the day".Ok fair enough, but you'll more likely end up with the complete idiot's guide to motorsport.And here it is... Well, for a start, the amazing thing about this event is that everybody has the chance to get up close to the cars. I'd thought that we'd only see them from a distance, but oh no, an entry ticket allows you to wander just about anywhere you please.Mosport Park is huge and if you're willing to, you can work your way around the track to get different photo and viewing standpoints. Mind you, being a card-carrying member of the bone idle club when one of the Audi PR guys offered to drive me around in a new A4, I didn't turn him down!