Arguments in the car: Speeding is usually the cause the relationship between speeding and car fights

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Picture yourself on a road trip to granny's or just because you want to get out of the city. You're cruising along at 115 km/h and you want to pass someone. You accelerate to 125 km/h and before the manoeuvre is even completed, a voice arises from seemingly nowhere telling you to slow down.

Damnit! An argument ensues where you tell your significant other that everything is under control and that you'll be back to a tolerable rate of speed in a moment or so.
Photo: Chrysler

According to a study conducted in the United Kingdom by the online used car channel Tesco Cars, busting the speed limit is the most prominent cause for arguments between partners on any type of trip taken by car. They represent 22.72% of all disputes. Next comes getting or giving wrong directions at 18.01%, followed by tailgating with 13% and rounding up the top 4, parking, with or without skills, with 5% of the causes.

We can't make any recommendations for you to avoid these types of situations. Most of us are drivers and have partners that read our stuff so we won't suggest that you leave them behind other ideas such as making up excuses such as going to over to a friend's house that you know they don't like so they'll let you go on your own...

Below is the breakdown of the more popular responses for the causes that lead to in-car arguments.
Photo: CarScoop

Source: CarScoop