Audi R18 to gain digital rearview mirror for Le Mans

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Audi announced that its R18 race car will be equipped with a digital rearview mirror connected to a tiny, lightweight camera mounted on the roof, just behind the antennas.

"Even at 330 km/h we’re achieving a totally fluid image flow in real-time transmission – a speed at which the vehicle is covering 92 metres every second,'' said Wolfgang Ullrich, head of Audi Motorsport.
Photo: Audi

This system considerably reduces vibrations associated with traditional outside mirrors.

In addition to displaying the image from the camera, the digital mirror can provide feedback on various in-car functions, such as a gear indicator, as well as race information like a yellow flag, for instance.

Mass production is not in the cards yet, but with a digital rearview mirror, Audi customers would once again profit from a system that has been successfully tested in motorsport.