Buying a used car as an auto journalist

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Buying a car is always an ordeal. We get excited at the thought of something new, something different, perhaps even something that has tickled our fancy for a while.

Buying new requires only pricing and financing information and a test drive, that's about it. The toughest part is selecting a car within our budget and needs.

2005 Mazda Miata (Photo: Mazda)

Buying a used car is far more complex. The budget opens up many doors as $10,000 can get you anything from a 2003 Audi A4 to a 2009 Toyota Yaris sedan . Want an SUV? That kind of money will allow you to purchase a 2007 Jeep Liberty or a 2001 Mercedes-Benz ML-Class. The sky's the limit. Therein lies the problem.

I regularly get asked for some advice as to which car to buy, new or used. I generally find it easy to give people advice as, although there are many many cars and trucks to pick from, only a handful can deliver a comprehensive mix of value, comfort, reliability, efficiency and overall satisfaction. And this applies to both new and used purchases.

Now, when it comes to me, it's nowhere near simple. As an Auto Journo and having had the opportunity to test-drive over 700 new cars over the years, I can be illogical, emotional and senseless but most of all, my biggest fear is regret. Imagine selecting a car, buying it and shortly thereafter, remembering that such and such a car was better, cooler, faster... It's like picking Pralines 'n Cream, what you thought was your favourite flavor at Baskin Robbins, only to remember that what you really wanted was Gold Medal Ribbon. Disaster!

As with most cartards, I've compiled a Top 10 list of my all-time favourite cars . Unlike most cartards, I've driven a number of the typical supercars that may find themselves on these lists. Because of my job, I've found out first hand that a portion of them do not live up to the hype and so no longer interest me. At least, that's what I tell myself because even if I wanted one, I can't afford any of them...

My Top 10 lists includes the likes of the 2nd Generation Mazda Miata , a GD chassis Impreza WRX (bumped to 11th place recently), a 2005+ Mustang GT and a GTI. Most of these are now very affordable but unfortunately, have probably been beaten to within an inch of their lives repeatedly. These are the joys of purchasing someone’s used-up toy...

As it stands, I have made my choice and if you follow me on Twitter @Matt_St_Pierre, you already know what I've bought.

More, much more to come!

2005 Ford Mustang GT (Photo: Ford)