Caught speeding in Germany

By ,

Miranda and I have been blogging our butts off on Germany and driving and speeding and how great everything is over there (mine are better, obviously), but something just took place that has made me think some more about the whole we vs. them.

No, it doesn't happen very often (the thinking part), so sit down, read and shut up.

I got a phone call one morning from our Porsche Canada rep. As I saw his name pop up on my Crackberry, I knew what was going on.

While in Deutschland, I dashed about in a 911 Sport Classic . I had a great time sprinting around Stuttgart and Frankfurt and everywhere in between, soaking in high speeds, some well beyond 200 km/h. The car was fabulous, as was I...

Then, at one point, I got off a motorway, was blinded by a red beam of light then got further incapacitated visually by a flash and I knew right then and there that I had crossed a line. I'd been caught speeding. I managed to look to the speedo after being assaulted and thought I saw 92 km/h. The limit was 80 km/h. I promptly contacted my Porsche guy and made him aware that I may have gotten nailed, and that I was going to pay the fine.

Well, that Crackberry call was to tell me that the ticket was in. Sh*t!

“Is it bad?”

Mr Porsche guy simply said that he needed me to fill in the documents he had emailed to me, and to send them back to him.

“Yes, Sir. Right away, Sir!”

The fine? 10 Euros. Yup, 10 miserly Euros, or about $14 CDN, for having been caught doing 90 km/h. I LOL'd.

I had been going 215 km/h at one point and that was OK. Now, going 10 km/h over the speed limit and I've got to pay.


This is what we should do here. On the highways, set the limits at 140 km/h, but allow for some leniency. On “streets”, keep limits at 30, 40, 50 km/h, but cross that line by a whisker and you're in for it. You gotta understand, we need to get our “speed” on somewhere.