Clarion guides the way with new high-speed navigation system

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Clarion, a well known Japanese electronics manufacturer, has announced that their latest navigation system will be available for holiday shoppers in the North American market. The new NAX970HD marks the first time Clarion's
(Photo: Clarion)
high-speed processing technology and 3D menu interface has been sold on our shores.Utilizing a 30 gigabyte hard drive and high-speed processor, driver inputs are calculated and displayed in just seconds. Commands are inputted by way of a 7-inch touch screen through a unique 3D menu interface, while some nine million pre-programmed points of interest are built into the system. Additionally, voice prompts ensure drivers are guided, not distracted. "Users will instantly realize Clarion's high-performance advantage, whether operating the system's ultra-cool 3D menu or when simply calculating a route," said Adam Thomas, VP Marketing for Clarion Corporation. "This is just a glimpse of how our products continue to offer innovative and technologically enriched features to improve the consumer experience in mobile environments."For the directionally challenged person on your Christmas list, the NAX970HD is priced at $1,200 USD.