F1 Austria: Valtteri Bottas gets maiden podium in Spielberg

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From press release

Valtteri Bottas achieved his first ever Formula One podium with Felipe Massa finishing fourth after a competitive race in Austria.

Massa led from Bottas at the end of the first lap and maintained a gap to the chasing Mercedes until the first round of pitstops.

Both Mercedes were able to get ahead of the Williams during the pitstops, but a quick pit stop helped Bottas get ahead of his teammate.

Valtteri Bottas (Photo: WRi2)

"It's difficult to explain how I feel right now. That was the best champagne I've ever tasted," said the Finn after his maiden F1 podium.

"All the hard work that the team puts in shows in moments like this. I had one pitstop that really put in me in the fight and that changed my race, so well done to the boys for that.

"I had put in a good lap before that and so I got in front on Felipe and from there I could manage my pace with the cars in front.

Williams scored a valuable 27 points to move up to fifth in the Constructors' Championship.