F1: Construction to resume immediately at Austin, Texas

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The dispute between the track's management and the F1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone has been settled on Wednesday and the FIA ratified the November date for the US grand prix .

Jeff Hahn, spokesman of the circuit, confirmed to the local KVUE news : "We have an agreement."

Bernie Ecclestone told the American Statesman newspaper: "Yes, there will be a race. We hope it will be for 10 years."

Red McCombs, chairman of McCombs Enterprises and founding partner of Circuit of The Americas stated, "I want to thank and commend Bobby Epstein for getting us across the finish line. Bobby’s perseverance and leadership kept the project on track despite unfair and unfounded criticism.”

Bobby Epstein told the American Statesman : "Mr. Ecclestone is a masterful negotiator. He fights hard for his company’s best interests. I’m glad that, in time for 2012, we were able to reach a mutually acceptable deal.”

The officials declined to reveal the financial terms of the deal.

"I’m just glad that, after ruining the Thanksgiving holiday of several hundred hard-working families, we’re able to get things going again before Christmas," added the founding partner of Circuit of The Americas.

Some local reports revealed that heavy machinery was rolling back onto the circuit construction site. And even the time is now tighter than ever to complete the project, Bobby Epstein said: "Our construction group said they can get it done. We’ve prepared for it that way."