F1: Current F1 leaves innovators with 'hands tied' explains Fernando Alonso

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From GMM

Fernando Alonso is still confident about his chances of winning the 2010 championship.

But in Spanish press reports, the Ferrari driver is apparently concerned the current regulations make it difficult for his Maranello based employer to improve the F10.

"The goal is always to win but it's not so easy. You cannot invent new things without testing. There is little room for creativity; our technicians have their hands tied," Fernando Alonso, 28, said.

Fernando Alonso is expecting a closely-bunched field at Hockenheim in just over a week.

"We want to be fighting for pole position in Germany and Hungary. The German track has quite simple corners so I am expecting a grand prix with very close times," he said, referring to the back-to-back rounds before the August break.