F1: Ferrari escapes further penalty following German Grand Prix affair

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From GMM

As the 'team orders hearing' broke in Paris on Wednesday evening, it emerged that Ferrari has escaped further penalty.

The disciplinary panel decided not to add to the Italian team's $100,000 fine for imposing team orders , despite former FIA president Max Mosley and others insisting recently that Ferrari deserved an additional sporting sanction.

In fact, the governing body has instead ordered a review of the regulations, which is an indication that the team orders ban will be amended or scrapped altogether.

F1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone, as well as FIA president Jean Todt, were present for Wednesday's proceedings.

The news about Ferrari escaping further sanction was confirmed by another attendee, Angelo Sticchi Damiani, the president of Italy's sanctioning body CSAI.

Ecclestone refused to comment beyond saying a press release will be issued shortly.