F1: Force India has 'open spaces' for 2011 says Vijay Mallya

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From GMM

With highly rated drivers still on the market, Force India 's race lineup for 2011 is a hot topic.

Adrian Sutil has not yet been confirmed by the Silverstone based team for next season, while the likes of Nick Heidfeld, Nico Hulkenberg and Karun Chandhok are all linked with his seat.

And while Vitantonio Liuzzi has a contract for next year, team owner and boss Vijay Mallya has hinted that more than one place is available.

"We are the most attractive team with open spaces," Auto Motor und Sport quotes him as saying.

With India set to join the F1 calendar, the sport's chief executive Bernie Ecclestone thinks Indian Chandhok in the Force India is an ideal lineup.

Vijay Mallya answered in Gulf News Xpress: "Well, everyone out there wants to drive for Force India. We (will) sit with the team and decide in the next couple of weeks who our new drivers are going to be for next season."

Meanwhile, it is believed that the potentially vacant seat alongside Robert Kubica at Renault is no longer available.

"Since (Russian president) Vladimir Putin became a formula one fan, (Vitaly) Petrov has even more support in his pocket," Nick Heidfeld is quoted as saying.