F1: Luca di Montezemolo admits opposition to 2013 engine plan

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From GMM

Luca di Montezemolo has made clear his opposition to the 2013 engine rules.

With Bernie Ecclestone staunchly opposed to the end of the V8 era in exchange for small low-revving turbos, Williams chairman Adam Parr this week insisted that formula one must keep moving in the 'greener' direction.

"The (V8) technology is dated, it's not what's going on out in the real world and I think it's a major, major barrier to bringing in new partners and growing the sport," Adam Parr told Reuters .

He sounded excited about the new direction for 2013, including much more powerful hybrid elements and the fact that the cars will run "on pure electric" when moving down the pitlane.

Adam Parr also said Ferrari president Montezemolo was once in favour of the new rules, but the Italian is now fiercely on F1 chief executive Ecclestone's side of the argument.

"We must not lose the DNA of formula one. What's next? One cylinder? We're not building motorcycles. The real challenge is to make an eight or 12-cylinder engine economical," Italian Luca di Montezemolo told Auto Motor und Sport, scoffing at the fact F1 is moving to four-cylinders .