F1 Malaysia: Car problem grounds Lotus Renault

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Adapted from GMM

The Renault cars did not immediately run in Friday afternoon practice while the team investigated the technical failures of the initial session at Sepang.

Team boss Eric Boullier confirmed at the Malaysian circuit that neither Nick Heidfeld or Vitaly Petrov would return to their R31s until the problem is understood and rectified.

"Best to be on the safe side," the team said on its official Twitter .

Nick Heidfeld had returned to the pits in the first session with a blocked wheel, before Vitaly Petrov spun into the gravel after a catastrophic failure on his left corner.

It was initially believed the problem was related to brakes, but the later theory was that the fault was in the suspension upright.

"We have a few ideas already of course but we haven't had anything like this in testing so we're a bit surprised," said Nick Heidfeld to the German broadcaster Sky before the second session.

Half-way into the second session , it is believed the problem has been found and the cars will return to the track shortly.

Meanwhile, Eric Boullier confirmed that German Nick Heidfeld sat out some pre-weekend events this week with a throat infection.

"It's not serious. He wanted to rest and be ready for free practice," he told Bernama news agency.

The 33-year-old had a difficult season opener in Australia while Petrov drove to the podium, but Heidfeld is confident of a better performance in Malaysia.

"It was a difficult weekend. It would have been nice to race immediately the following weekend, but I used the time to train and have a positive attitude going into this weekend," said the German.