F1: Mark Webber happy with Lewis Hamilton's victory

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From GMM

Mark Webber checked himself on Sunday after admitting he was happy to see teammate Sebastian Vettel's winning streak end in China.

Australian Webber had seared through the Shanghai field from 18th on the grid, after losing the 2010 title to Vettel at the last hurdle and then enduring three difficult opening weekends of the new championship campaign.

McLaren's Lewis Hamilton broke 23-year-old German Vettel's perfect 2011 record on Sunday.

"It was good that someone finally ..." said Webber, stopping when he realised he had described a rival team's victory as a 'good' outcome.

"Of course Seb is in the same team but he has been on a phenomenal run and we are all here together fighting for victories," he added.

"(It's a) shame McLaren won in a way but also we can't let Seb get too far away, so it was good day for the racing and good day for us in terms of points for the team," said Webber.