F1: More crashes likely at Monaco in '08 - Haug

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By GMMMercedes-Benz's motorsport boss Norbert Haug hopes all twenty formula one drivers safely emerge from the 2008 running of the Monaco grand prix this weekend.Haug warns that, on the tight confines of the famous street circuit, the field will be tested to the limit without driver aids including traction control."I hope no one gets injured, but we do have to count on numerous safety car phases," Haug is quoted as saying by Bild newspaper."Before the electronic aids were brought in, there were stoppages every ten minutes."So I suppose that with the ban now, crashes are more likely than before," he explained.1982 world champion Keke Rosberg, meanwhile, believes the driver aid-less cars of today will be even harder to control at Monaco than in his own era."Now there is less margin for error," the Finn, whose 22-year-old son Nico races for Williams, said.Rosberg added: "We had longer braking distances and bigger tires - the cars today are harder to control."