F1: Pirelli to sell HRT F1 car on eBay

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Adapted from Reuters

Italian tire manufacturer and Formula 1’s official supplier, Pirelli is planning to sell off a 2011 HRT Formula 1 car in a charity auction on eBay because nobody in the Italian tire company wants to use it for promotional and marketing purposes.

Pirelli purchased the HRT rolling chassis (meaning, without the engine or gearbox) at the end of last season after the small Spanish team closed its doors after a very difficult season marked by serious financial problems.

Last appearance of the HRT at the 2012 Brazilian Grand Prix. (Photo: WRi2)

The Italian company wanted to use it for marketing purposes, and to put it on display at various locations.

Paul Hembery, Pirelli’s director of competition, said in Bahrain last weekend: "There doesn't seem to be a lot of enthusiasm, it's a bit of a shame really. Our marketing department said nobody seems to want to use it. So I said let's put it on eBay for charity”.

Reuters says that last February five other HRT F1 rolling chassis were bought for re-sale by a Spanish company.