F1: Sebastian Vettel drove the New Jersey circuit (+photos)

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Red Bull partner Infiniti and the promoters of the Grand Prix of America organized on Monday an event to make Sebastian Vettel the first F1 driver to try the new street circuit.

Photo: Red Bull Racing

With the impressive Manhattan skyline as a backdrop, Vettel completed some laps of the urban New Jersey layout at the wheel of an Infiniti road car.

After the driving, Sebastian Vettel said: "The circuit is great. One section is a bit like Montreal with a long fast straight but it's also quite up and down, which is a bit like Spa. New York is such a great city with a great energy. It's will be great to have a Formula One race here - I think there will be some good bars to go to after the race!"

Photo: Red Bull Racing

F1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone suggested recently that the 2013 race was in doubt.

"I don't know where these rumours are coming from, but this race is going forward," said promoter Leo Hindery on Monday to the Associated Press. "If we had any doubt we wouldn't have brought Sebastian and all these people here today."

Photo: Red Bull Racing