F1: Team Lotus is back with Jarno Trulli and Heikki Kovalainen

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From GMM

Jarno Trulli has reportedly signed a contract to remain with Lotus for the team's second season in 2011.

On Friday afternoon in Singapore, just before a heavy rain downpour, the Malaysian owned team confirmed reports that it will be known as the historic Team Lotus next year, rather than Lotus Racing.

The move follows team boss Tony Fernandes' purchase of the name from David Hunt, with the separate Group Lotus believed to have signalled its intention to no longer allow the team to use the Lotus Racing moniker under license.

Lotus did not also confirm reports that it will be powered by Renault engines next year, but it is expected that an announcement about the team's drivers for 2011 is imminent.

Finland's Turun Sanomat claims that while Heikki Kovalainen signed a contract at Monza two weeks ago, his Italian teammate Trulli may only have inked a deal this week in Singapore.