F1 Technique: Flexible wings are not the secret weapon of the Red Bull (+photos)

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According to a veteran Formula 1 Chief Designer, the secret weapon of the mighty Red Bull BR7 does not belong to its front wings.

Note the high rake angle of the RB7. (Photo: WRI2)

Auto123.com recently discussed the matter with a very experienced Formula 1 Chief Designer. We talked about the high rake angle of the RB7.

From these photos taken in Shanghai at the Grand Prix of China, it is really easy to see that the rear end of the RB7 is located much higher than the front end. The rear portion of the sidepods is located in fact quite high from the tarmac.

It is believed that the exhausts of the Renault engine blow hot gases on the sides of the diffuser, “sealing” its edges so that the cool air that run underneath the floor and through the diffuser is neatly trapped, generating better suction.

It is also obvious that the RB7 is softy sprung as the car takes quite a bit of roll when cornering – a lot more than all other F1 cars.

The diffuser of the RB7. (Photo: WRI2)