F1: Vitaly Petrov to stay in F1 'for years' insists his manager

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From GMM

There has been speculation that, despite his financial contribution and a recent influx of Russian sponsors, the 26-year-old rookie might lose his Renault seat for 2011 on the basis of his performances this season.

"I want to reassure all the fans, Vitaly will remain in formula one next year, and the year after and three years from now," Petrov's female manager Oksana Kosachenko told the Rossiya 2 television channel.

Vitaly Petrov hopes his manager is right, particularly with the news that Sochi is set to be added to the formula one calendar of 2014.

"Almost all the drivers already have a home race so I hope that I can experience the same special feeling of racing at home in a few years' time," he said.