F1: Watch Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa lose their respective face (+video)

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The BBC captured these images of Ferrari F1 drivers Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa trying out the world's fastest roller-coaster.

The day was November 11, 2010, three days before the Formula One season finale at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. Fernando Alonso, who at the time was still in the running for the drivers' title, and Felipe Massa embark on the Formula Rossa, the world's fastest roller-coaster.

The Formula Rossa is part of the Ferrari World amusement park, in Abu Dhabi.

It reaches its top speed of 240 km/h from a standing start in just 4.9s.

It generates up to 4.8 Gs.

Its sharpest turn has an angle of just 70 degrees.


Source: BBC