F1: Why did Ferrari turn its back on FOTA?

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Ferrari boss Luca di Montezemolo says his team left the Formula One Teams Association (FOTA) because it was "tired of the compromises".

Now that major players Ferrari and Red Bull have left the boat, upcoming re-negotiations of the Concord Agreements are looking bleak. It will be a multiple-horse race between non-FOTA teams – Ferrari, Red Bull, Sauber, Toro Rosso and HRT –, FOTA teams, and Bernie Ecclestone.

Auto Motor und Sport allegedly reported that Ferrari and Red Bull had already signed a secret accord with Bernie Ecclestone. Which would explain why they both left FOTA at the same time, because they didn't needed the other teams' voice in the negotiation process.

Will political rows affect the show? (Photo: Pirelli)

"We have left FOTA of our own accord and without consulting anyone else, because we were tired of the compromises dragging it down," di Montezemolo was quoted saying by Speed TV .

"Ferrari decided to sacrifice its own interests to avoid a fall out that would have damaged Formula One.

"All we want are clear rules and interpretations. Situations like the one in Silverstone must not happen again, when the rules changed three times over the course of a Grand Prix weekend."