F1: Williams is not ruling out 2011 engine switch

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From GMM

Adam Parr is not ruling out a change of engine supplier for Williams .

Amid rumours both Williams and Lotus could each be eyeing a supply of Renault V8s in 2011, Cosworth 's Mark Gallagher has insisted both teams are under contract for three years.

Parr, Williams' chief executive, likened a F1 team's relationship with its key suppliers to a marriage.

"You do have rows with your wife, but you know you have got the common interest and I still think that is the case," Parr, referring to Williams' recent qualms about the driveability and degradation of the Cosworth engine this year, is quoted by GP Week.

"But we have no plans to change engine partner, and we have no desire to change engine partner. I just don't want to rule out the possibility of something happening because that would be a stupid thing to do," Adam Parr added.