F1: Work currently stopped at 2012 US GP circuit in Austin

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From GMM

Construction of the 2012 US grand prix venue in Austin has stopped, according to the local American Statesman newspaper.

Reporter Eric Dexheimer said he has received "several anonymous phone calls" informing that no work has been taking place at the site of the Circuit of the Americas for the past few days.

One caller reportedly said "the project's general contractor, Austin Commercial, had called a meeting of subcontractors last week and instructed them to go home for a couple of weeks; there was no money to pay them."

But circuit spokesman Jeff Hahn said that information is wide of the mark, insisting that the project is still alive.

Hahn said good weather had meant the initial construction was ahead of schedule and therefore contractors "now must wait a few days for the next instalment."

"We're matching the (bank) draw schedule to the construction schedule," he added.