Formula Tour 1600: Nathan Blok hits the jackpot at Mont-Tremblant's Fall classic

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Ontario's Nathan Blok celebrated his first Formula Tour 1600 title, in the Pro class, after Mont-Tremblant's Fall classic – marking the end of the Quebec F1600 season – was over.

Nathan Blok (Photo: Paolo Pedicelli)

Young Blok started his title push with a win on Saturday. However he soon received a two-position penalty, for taking Marcel Lafontaine's first spot on the grid, when Lafontaine pulled into the pits during the warm-up lap. Xavier Coupal, aboard his Dupont Ford car was therefore declared the winner.

Sunday saw Blok finishing first once again, but this time he was able to hold on to his victory. Coupal earned the runner-up spot and Didier Schraenen rounded out the top 3.

Didier Schraenen. (Photo: Service presse Didier Schraenen)

By winning the 2011 title, Blok became the series' youngest champion to date. His victory at Tremblant was his third success of the season, and his seventh podium finish.

Olivier Bonnet. (Photo: François Belley)

In the championship standings, Olivier Bonnet is the runner-up, even though he missed the last two races after suffering stomach pains. Schraenen was happy to finish third, while New Zealand's Chris Vlok earned fourth place in the championship – and top rookie honours. Veteran Robert Boyer rounds out the top 5.

Guy Gilain. (Photo: Marie-Lyse Tremblay/Pole-Position Magazine)

In Master, Guy Gilain showed his mettle, finishing first in both the qualifying and the race on Saturday. Sunday, he took the pole once again, but spun out of contention for the win early in the race. He later battled his way back up to fourth.

Class title went to Gérald Dumoulin. Gilain's performances got him up to second in the points, while Patrick Sweeney ends the season third in the standings.