Geneva 2011: Volvo to unveil a plug-in V60 consuming 1.9L / 100 km

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Volvo has told the media it will be presenting a plug-in version of the V60 , virtually ready for mass production, at the Geneva Motor Show.

According to the manufacturer, the model will be equipped with a 2.4-litre, 5-cylinder, turbodiesel mill generating 215 hp as well as a 70-hp electric engine powered by a 12 kWh lithium-ion battery.

Photo: Volvo

And with the help of a 7-speed automatic transmission, the wagon will consume just 1.9 litre of fuel per 100 km and emit only 49 g of CO2 per kilometre. It should also be able to travel around 50 km on electricity alone.

Production of the plug-in V60 is slated for 2012. Unfortunately for us Canucks, it won’t be available here unless the Swedish automaker changes its mind down the road.