GP2: Davide Valsecchi dominates test days in Jerez

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Davide Valsecchi (DAMS) was the quickest of each of the three days of GP2 collective tests in Jerez.

Valsecchi is starting his fifth season in the Serie and has joined DAMS for 2012, the reigning champion team. He already get three wins in the main series, and four in GP2 Asia where he clinched title in 2010.

The italian driver set the best performance of each day. He now figures among the main favourites for this year’s championship.

Davide Valsecchi, DAMS. (Photo: GP2 Series)

Team Catheram F1’s third driver Giedo van der Garde was also performant at Jerez. The dutch driver will run the 2012 season with the Catheram GP2 team.

Esteban Gutierrez (Lotus GP) and Marcus Ericsson (iSport) have shown strong potential as well, and are expected as serious candidates for this season.

The GP2 season will start on march 24th in Sepang, Malaysia.