Green Report: Berkeley Goes Biodiesel

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California City Becomes Largest in Country to use B100 Fleet Wide

The City of Berkeley has long been associated with innovation and public policy. There are more than many firsts that have come from this proud and progressive community. On June 24, Berkeley announced another major first, the transition to 100 percent biodiesel (B100) in their diesel powered fleet vehicles. It's an excellent example to other cities throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Berkeley has taken a big step forward by announcing the transition to 100% biodiesel in all of their diesel powered fleet vehicles. (Photo: City of Berkeley)

Berkeley is the first city of size to make the switch to this renewable fuel. Biodiesel is made from fat or vegetable oil and burns dramatically better than traditional petroleum-based diesel, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is also safer to transport and store due to its non-hazardous classification. What's more, it reduces dependence on foreign oil in turn, supporting a local economy, such as the soybean growers associations.

"With biodiesel I'm able to switch to something that is not only an alternative fuel but is completely sustainable," said Dave Williamson, operations manager for the Ecology Center. (Photo: City of Berkeley)

Additional good news is how well biodiesel works in any diesel engine, with few or no modifications.

"Largely due to our towering success with B100 in recycling trucks, the Berkeley City Council and six citizen advisory commissions strongly supported the city's switch," said Dave Williamson, operations manager for the Ecology Center. "With biodiesel I'm able to switch to something that is not only an alternative fuel but is completely sustainable. For the first time in my 13 year career in recycling, I've had people leave their homes to thank me for using biodiesel. It has resonated loudly with the public."