For Sale: A $6.7 million Home With its Own 2-km Racetrack For the car enthusiast, a home with large garages is a dream. A home with a private racetrack is a fantasy

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House with racetrack in the garden

•    In Arkansas, a large home with a private racetrack is for sale for $6.7 million.

•    The property near Fayetteville is located on 393 acres of land.

•    The racetrack is 1.2 miles or about two km long.

•    Garages are plentiful on the property, needless to say.

Every car enthusiast dreams of a home with a large lot where they can build garages to store their cars. But this is on another level, more total fantasy than dream. A large home on a large property is for sale in the U.S. state of Arkansas that you might want to check out.

But the house in question sits right on something more, something unique: its own private racetrack. For those who like to drive their cars on a track in complete freedom, there’s just nothing better than this.

The catch is that you'll have to pay $6.7 million to enjoy it, and in U.S. currency at that.

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Large interior living room
Big bar, lounge area

Inside, as the images show, it's a luxurious place. There are five bedrooms and six bathrooms, as well as a workout room, home theater for the extended family, bar and huge kitchen.
Beyond its wall, space to store cars and other toys abounds on the property, which also includes a guest house. What’s more, the entire property is powered by solar panels, making it the largest privately owned solar complex in the area, according to the realtor's listing .

You can check out the page dedicated to it on If you can afford it... and a few cars to test drive... why not go for it?

House and property, with track
The house, trackside
A racetrack in the back yard !