Impacts of speed limiters on heavy trucks

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In 2005, following a demand by the Canadian Trucking Alliance, the Quebec and Ontario governments commissioned a number of studies on speed limiters for all heavy trucks travelling in Canada at no more than 105 km/h. Last Friday, Transport Canada released a report on the impacts of such a regulation.
The report indicates that speed limiters on large trucks could result in 228.6 million litres of diesel fuel saved as well as an annual reduction in greenhouse gases projected at 0.64 megatons. Ontario and Quebec would account for 64 percent of these estimated national savings.The proposed measure not only has environmental benefits but also safety gains. A total of 30 simulation runs were performed, with an average improvement of 16 percent in safety. In 21 cases, positive safety gains were observed. Let's hope that other provinces look at these figures and decide to go forward with speed limiters on all heavy trucks. photo: Jupiter Images