IndyCar: Team owners vote to delay introduction of new aero kit

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During a meeting held in Sao Paulo, Brazil IZOD IndyCar Series team owners asked the series’ CEO Randy Bernard to delay the introduction of aero kits until the 2013 season.

However, Bernard has yet to make a decision on the request.

The owners, by a vote of 15-0 (with one owner abstaining), made an appeal to IndyCar officials during the meeting.

“We had a great team owners meeting in Brazil concerning the 2012 car and made some great developments,” Bernard said in an interview on VERSUS' "IndyCar Open Wheel Weekly."

“One of those developments that came out of that though was the team owners voted to not have an aero kit until 2013. And they asked IndyCar not to have the aero kit until 2013.”

Aero kits, which can be made by any manufacturer, will dress the IZOD IndyCar Series Safety Cell that is being developed by long-time chassis manufacturer Dallara. The new chassis, which will be powered by manufacturers Honda, Chevrolet and Lotus, is scheduled to debut in 2012.

But according to sources, even though the vote was unanimous, there is clearly a difference of opinion between the two major teams Penske and Ganassi.

It seems also that the engine manufacturers are not very happy with that latest turnaround, after having invested a lot of money in the development of their kits.