Infiniti Announces 2030 Electrification Plan and Shows Off a Concept Infiniti needs a jolt, so to speak; perhaps the move to electric mobility will provide that

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Electrification announcements have been raining down like cats and dogs in the past couple of years in the automotive sector, and the pace is only picking up. After seeing parent company Nissan put on some major reveals in recent days, Infiniti has given a glimpse of the path it intends to follow between now and 2030.

Specifically, Infiniti is committed to offering a wide range of electric vehicles by the end of the decade. What's different about the brand's presentation is that it's not burning any bridges behind it as it moves forward. The announcement is clear in not talking about a fully electric lineup by 2030, only one that features several electric vehicles.

In fact, the company is quite insistent on this point in a video it just shared. For example, we hear from Infiniti that “we will not let the size of our batteries alone define us, but rather give our customers the power to choose the energy source that fits their lifestyle”.

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A new Infiniti concept, back

The clip also shows some shots of a concept. The images are anything but revealing, but it's clear that both traditional gasoline-engine and electric -powrered models are on the schedule. Towards the end of the video, we see three design studies and when we freeze-frame, we can make out a large sedan, an SUV and a model somewhere in between, with a high stance.

Obviously, these are just images and we're talking about a promotional video, but it invites speculation about the brand's plans for the next few years. We don't, for example, expect Infiniti to go all-electric, but rather to offer several configurations, as well as offering consumers more traditional designs.

Certainly, Nissan's luxury division will have to differentiate itself and find a way to make an impact with consumers, because it’s had a rough last few years. A shock treatment is needed, in other words…

Photo: Infiniti
New Infiniti concepts
Photo: Infiniti
New Infiniti concepts, fig. 2