Japanese researcher develops 5-minute EV charger

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Despite their many environmental advantages, electric vehicles simply aren’t attractive to all consumers. Some say their operating range isn’t enough for their needs, while others think charging times are just too long. This second point may well be moot thanks to the brilliant invention of a Japanese researcher, a certain Mr Kanno.

He has apparently patented a device that can recharge a Nissan LEAF or Tesla Roadster in about five minutes. That’s pretty darn close to the time it takes to fill up on gas with a conventional car.

Mr Kanno says the only limitation of the current charging systems is the amount of energy that can travel through a cable. He developed a method of storing and distributing the energy in five-minute bursts.

Mr Kanno hopes to create operational prototypes with the help of the industry’s main automakers in the not-too-distant future.

Thirty-minute charging stations have already appeared on some European roads, but this latest innovation mimics today’s gas stations and seems quite promising.

Source: Autoblog Green