Kia, Hyundai to reimburse customers due to erroneous fuel consumption ratings

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Hyundai Canada and Kia Canada are correcting the fuel consumption ratings for approximately 172,000 vehicles sold between 2010 and 2012 after testing errors were reported at the automakers' joint facilities in Korea.

As a result, the fuel consumption ratings have been increased by an average of 0.3L/100km.

"I sincerely apologize to all affected Hyundai and Kia customers, and I regret these errors occurred," said Dr. W. C. Yang, Chief Technology Officer of Hyundai/Kia research and development.

The two companies will reimburse these customers with a personalized, pre-paid credit card.

''In addition, as an acknowledgement of the inconvenience this may cause, we will add an extra 15% to the reimbursement amount. Current owners will be able to refill their pre-paid credit card at any time for as long as they own the vehicle,'' the statement reads.