Koenigsegg Trevita at Jay Leno´s Garage

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As reported by Koenigsegg

Jay Leno meets the Koenigsegg Trevita and compares it to the Hope Diamond.

Spring has finally sprung, so we figured what better way to celebrate than take a really wild ride? Luckily, Christian von Koenigsegg stopped by the garage with his mind-blowing Trevita. Only three of these breathtakingly handbuilt beauties will ever exist. Strip away the carbon fiber and you'll find a bespoke 4.8-liter V8 yielding 1018 hp - same as the Bugatti Veyron at half the weight. Does that mean it's the fastest car in the world? Watch the video and decide for yourself, then let us know what you think!

Watch and see the full report at www.jaylenosgarage.com/at-the-garage/super-cars/koenigsegg-trevita-ccxr

Photo: Koenigsegg