Mazda 2 to Debut at Geneva this year

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You may have seen it if you're a fan of racing video games, namely Gran Turismo. It's called the Mazda Demio, and its latest iteration is set to be debuted at the 2007 Geneva International Motor Show.
The all-new platform, known outside of Japan as the Mazda 2, will take to the stage next month alongside the headlining Hakaze concept car and an Axela (or Mazda 3) with a new high-powered diesel engine. Photos reveal a swoopy, sculpted and fluid look to the Demio's body. It's the first of Mazda's zoom-zoom cars to have evolved to its next generation- and it plainly incorporates some of the carmakers "flow" design language into its style. In fact, it might just wind up being the most striking looking compact on the market. photo: Mazda