MotoGP: Valentino Rossi admits switch to Formula 1 now unlikely

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From GMM

Moto GP star Valentino Rossi has admitted it is unlikely he will switch to formula one in the future.

Now 31, the multiple champion of MotoGP has in the past flirted with a move to F1 after several test drives.

After badly breaking his leg earlier this season, Rossi has been beaten to the 2010 title and it had been said his move from Yamaha to the Italian marque Ducati could be a precursor to a future move to Ferrari.

But while in Malaysia last weekend for the latest MotoGP race, he told Italian media: "Now, I really don't think it (moving to F1) will happen."

Rossi was also scathing whilst criticising the motorcycle racing series' governing body for deciding to delay the Sepang race to avoid a television clash with F1 in Japan.

He said the move compromised riders' safety because the threat of rain in Malaysia is greater later in the day.

"We always bend over backwards to the formula one superpower," said the Italian.