Motorexpo 07 (Canary Wharf Motor Show Conclusion)

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As Motorexpo 07 draws to a close for another year, it is time to reflect on what I have seen and learned from my trip to London and the spectacular Canary Wharf show.One thing which soon became clear to me is just how advanced Britain, and in particular, London is in the way in which they actively encourage fuel conservation.Everywhere you go in London there are bicycle lanes, and if that is not enough to tempt you on to two wheels, the local radio stations constantly play government-sponsored ads promoting the benefits of cycling.In fact, on one of my drives of about 4 miles up to Tower Bridge, one young lady on a mountain bike actually beat me through the traffic, which goes to show that cycling downtown is not only healthier, but often quicker.
Then there are the motorcycles which are everywhere. When I used to live in London several years ago, they were mainly the transportation of fast couriers and the odd enthusiast. Now, smartly dressed businessmen and women have realized that motorcycles and scooters can be a city-smart way of getting around town.However, the thing which impressed me the most was the array of electric vehicles in use in London. Yes, I know that many of us on this side of the pond look upon these as slightly strange and peculiar, yet in London they work rather well. One model in particular which is now a common sight on London streets is the aptly named G-Whiz. ( ) This little micro car returns the equivalent of 600 miles per gallon in actual costs. It also falls into the cheapest insurance category, and carries the lowest rate of company car tax, just 9%.In many larger cities, the electric vehicle is the way of the future. In fact, even Mercedes-Benz was proudly showing their electric-powered Smart car at the show.Not enough to get you excited? Well it gets even better....