NASCAR: Richard Petty Motosports puts AJ Allmendinger in a Ford for the remainder of 2009

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Richard Petty Motorsports, which debuted a Ford for Elliott Sadler in ninth place in Sunday’s Talladega 500, has decided to run a Ford Fusion for AJ Allmendinger for the final three Sprint Cup races of 2009.

His livery will be the familiar Petty Blue and red paint scheme on the No. 44, and will be the only driver on the team to race a Ford this year. With only three races remaining many teams are trying out new equipment, like RPM.

Allmendinger who will return with the team next year said “this is exciting stuff. It’s like a new beginning for Richard Petty Motorsports. Whenever you do something new you are a little bit excited and a little bit nervous because you haven't done it before. Elliott drove a Ford for us at Talladega last week and everyone was really positive about the experience. It’s our turn this week tire testing a Ford in Daytona and we’ll drive one at Phoenix and Homestead as well.

“For us these next three weeks are just learning about what a Ford likes and dislikes as far as chassis setup and engine tuning. Nothing beats experience in this sport and the only way you get experience is by just doing it. So we are starting our learning curve this week and hopefully we will be a little bit further ahead for next season by doing this.  We’re running the “King’s” old paint scheme with the Ford logo for the rest of the season.

Last week AJ Allmendinger was arrested for driving while intoxicated in North Carolina, placed on NASCAR probation until the end of the year, and his RPM team has placed him on probation until the end of 2010.