New Popemobile to be greener than ever!

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Of all the celebrity cars built by Mercedes-Benz, the Popemobile is certainly the most recognized around the world. Serving as a dependable travel companion, the Papal vehicle is about to undergo a significant makeover.

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Benedict XVI expressed his desire to ride in an all-electric car, but the five-ton Popemobile, equipped with a full armour and bulletproof glass, needs more power than what current battery technology can provide, forcing Mercedes-Benz engineers to turn to a hybrid powertrain.

The system they're working on will deliver optimum, zero-emission performance at low cruising speeds, meaning the Pope's famous parades will become greener than ever. A gasoline engine will take over at higher speeds.

Based on a M-Class SUV, the vehicle will be ready by the end of the year at the earliest, the Vatican suggested.

No other information has been disclosed since the German automaker remains tight-lipped about this special project.

Source : The Telegraph via egmCarTech