Part 1: Used Hybrids at a Glance Take a peek at used hybrid models you may be considering

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By now, you’ve heard of hybrids: they use electricity and motors and batteries to help drive the vehicle to which all that is bolted -- all with the intent of lightening the load on that vehicle’s gas engine. Lightening the load on said gas engine means hybrids will use less fuel, often be able to drive in certain situations on electricity alone, and spew less nastiness into the atmosphere.

Now that many hybrid models have enjoyed many years of sale in Canada, they’re popping up on the used market more often than ever -- and you might be considering one.

You might, also, have questions. After all, hybrid cars are relatively un-proven, and more complicated and sophisticated than conventionally powered models.

Here’s a look at some of the things existing owners like about their hybrid vehicles, and the issues they say you should be aware of when shopping for a used model. This information intends to be a highlight only, and note that purchasing a hybrid without a full inspection from the vehicle’s dealer is not advised.