Porsche launches hot new model... for kids!

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Porsche is now advertising a special sports car for children from the age of five. Actually, it's not a 911 or Panamera scale model, but rather a pedal-powered go-kart!

Standing five feet long and weighing only 55 pounds, the Porsche Driver's Selection Go-Kart is built on a steel tubular frame, making it suitable for kids weighing up to 110 pounds with a height of up to 5 feet.

Sporting an exclusive design and high-quality drive components typically used on bicycles, including composite wheel rims and low-profile, inflatable tires with inner tubes, the Go-Kart features a sport seat, along with a back-pedal brake and a handbrake.

This new highlight in the children's program of the Porsche Lifestyle Collection is available for purchase through the company's Canadian website at $1,026.

Photo: Porsche