Rallycross: Albatec Racing's Jacques Villeneuve finishes 15th on World RX debut in Portugal (+photos)

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From press release

Canadian Jacques Villeneuve finished 15th in his World Rallycross Championship (World RX) debut, Saturday in Montalegre, Portugal.

Jacques Villeneuve, Albatec Racing Peugeot 208 (Photo: Albatec Racing)

The 1997 F1 world champion suffered from both a fuel pressure problem and a puncture on the opening day of the season.

"It’s been a tough learning day but the level of racing was very good, we just need to figure out how to make it work," said the Albatec Racing driver.

Jacques Villeneuve (Photo: Albatec Racing)

"We were a bit late running so we didn’t get all the laps in and the car is very different to when we were testing this winter. I made a mistake in the first race and suffered a puncture in the second one, but the aim tomorrow is to make it to the semi finals; it would be a shame to stop after two heats.

Photo: Albatec Racing

"The atmosphere here is very good, the fans are fun, and it’s good to be part of a championship."

Aboard the team's second Peugeot 208, Andy Scott, who suffered from fuel pressure problems like Villeneuve and also from an exhaust leak, placed 8th overall.

Andy Scott, Albatec Racing Peugeot 208 (Photo: Albatec Racing)