Renault to promote its products with iAd

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In 2011, French automaker Renault will attempt to court the young, urban crowd by promoting its Twizy concept car with iAd, Apple’s advertising network designed to reach iPhone and iPod Touch users.

Renault’s ads will offer consumers a myriad of small apps that will allow them to discover the Twizy, marketed as a small, two-seat, four-wheel, 100% electric urban runabout. For instance, a calculator will allow you to determine the daily charge time your Twizy requires. Users will also be able to view all the possible designs of the little electric car by shaking the iPhone/iPod, and ultimately, as the company’s goal is obviously to sell this car, users will have the opportunity to pre-order their own model without visiting a dealership.

Renault is manifestly trying to reach a new customer base by using contemporary marketing methods for its futuristic models like the Twizy. We’ll have to see if such a strategy will actually work at this time and if it will help increase the company’s sales in the immediate future. But considering the fast-paced world we live in and the desire for instant gratification of the new generations, we’re definitely getting a glimpse of the automotive marketing strategies of the future.

Basically, the iAd allows companies to generate additional revenue from their iPhone and iPod Touch applications. Several well-known players have already started using the network and are interactively promoting their products by targeting the young and trendy, as Nissan is doing with its LEAF in the US.