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PEBBLE BEACH, California — Saturn has always been more about process than product, as the vast majority of its consumers undoubtedly chose this particular General Motors division for its no-dicker prices and inclusive we-are-family sensibilities than for its so-so compact cars.

The balance started shifting toward product in a big way with the arrival of the impressive L-series mid-size sedan and wagon a couple of years back, and it should continue that way when the VUE SUV arrives early next year.

Now comes the Sky concept roadster, which seems to have a very good chance of going into production in some very like form (though with a less dated front end) and promises to move the balance even farther toward product.

But Jill Lajdziak, the vice president of Saturn sales, service and marketing, promised at the launch of the Sky that the company will not let its product change its process, but will instead add more vehicles that consumers will want to buy in a setting that treats them well.

Lajdziak says this product desirability will apply to the Sky if it ever appears because it was designed in response to their requests.

Saturn's newly appointed chief designer for brand character, Dave Smith, echoes this point about the Sky. "Most concept vehicles are designed to test public reaction," he said, while the Sky is "a reaction to what young people told us they wanted."

What they wanted, Smith said, was "open air and room for their friends and their stuff, balanced with a sense of responsibility. It tested so strongly."